After making a lot of discoveries about their characters on Day Six, the ensemble was excited to reunite to share and further explore their characters. Actors had the chance to play with costume choices again and explore sound and movement.

A fun part of the rehearsal were brief character interviews. Each character had the chance to present their image board to the other actors who then asked them questions. For most actors, this was their first time meeting the characters. Establishing character relationships will be an important part to creating the final production and today was a good first step.

A fun part of the rehearsal were brief character interviews. Each character had the chance to present their image board to the other actors who then asked them questions. For most actors, this was their first time meeting the characters. Establishing character relationships will be an important part to creating the final production and today was a good first step.
It's kind of freaky how gabe's and evan's masks meld so well with their faces--I almost forget they are even masks