Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Power Resources to Start With...

PERIODS OF POWER that we will explore through movement and relationship (thanks to a lecture by Scott McGehee of the Accademia dell'Arte in Arezzo, Italy):

One: Sovereign Power where power is embodied and emanates from the body that possesses power usually in a strict heiarchy of order.  King at the top, priest, noble, soldier,  etc.  The commedia dell'arte is based on this kind of power.

Two: Disciplinary power is power that operated through rules, regulations, laws, norms rather than individuals. It maintains itself through constant surveillance and is generally “disembodied”  This is characteristic of post French revolution society up to the middle of the twentieth century.

Three: Control power is a form of power that operated by subordinating the individual to the machine (understood as an assemblage of various parts ) including and perhaps most importantly, digital networks. That is to say that our own power can only be activated by subordinating ourselves to the logic that we must internalize (friends on facebook for example). This seems to be the world we are entering.

And an intriguing recent article:

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